1.) Does Box Man, Inc. take purchase order numbers from schools?
Yes, If you are a school or a business Box Man Inc. Is happy to take your purchase orders and invoice you for its display boards. Please use the contact us tab or email us at displayboards@boxmaninc.com to start the process.
2.) Does Box Man, Inc. accept credit cards?
Yes. We accept Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit cards.
3.) How do I bill to one address, but ship to a different address?
Please select the “Ship to Different Address?” box and add the “Ship To” address in the field provided.
4.) How do we get tax-exempt status? (Only need this if located in Minnesota; all other states are tax-exempt.)
First, set up a user account; click on “person icon” on the top of any page. Then, click on “Tax-Exempt” tab on the top of any page. Fill out the form and submit. We will change the status of your user account to tax-exempt and email you when the update is complete. After, please place your order; no tax will be calculated.
5.) Before placing my order, how can I see the shipping cost?
Go to our website (www.boxmaninc.com), enter your order, click on the shopping cart icon and then enter your address information. On the right hand side, you should see the shipping cost and tax information. If you are not ready to order at that time, please just close the browser. No order will be placed. Once you are ready to order, please go to the website again (www.boxmaninc.com) and place your order.
6.) How do I cancel an order that has processed?
Please email (displayboards@boxmaninc.com) with the order number and we will cancel your order.
If you have any other questions you would like answered that we can list here to help you with the ordering process, please let us know.